05 November, 2010

Adolescence - A Period That Really Matters

"Adolescence is a period of Storm and Stress"- G. Stanley Hall

"Human Development Process" is the most mysterious part, nature had ever created. Everyone agrees with it. While passing through the various stages under this "development" process, we attain childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Among these "Adolescence" perhaps is the most complicated phase, we ever experience.

Adolescence seems to be a chaotic and at the same time, a vibrant period of human life. According to Wolman, "adolescence is a transitional stage of development between childhood and adulthood." It's the period, when young people develop an abstract thinking, awareness of their sexuality and peer-grouping as well. It's a time when youngsters start taking new responsibilities, establish a quest for their identity and begin the trek to find a place in the world.

From biological point of view, adolescence is a period of 'disaster', as people encounter end number of biological and emotional stresses in this stage. Inception of puberty declares the attainment of adolescence in one's life. Cracking voice, cranky, acne, sudden go-sky-high in height, scrotal and testicular enlargement, knocks of razor on youth-face are some of the physical changes that boys generally face in this period. Whereas onset of first menstruation, growth of reproductive systems, become hairy, shrinks voice, lots of pimples on face are some physical signs that denote adolescence among girls.

With these sudden changes, young people start behaving uncomfortably. They often found in emotional tensions. New social situations, behavioral pattern and societal expectations leave them in a situation of insecurity and depression and in the mean time; they develop impulsive urge inside to take immediate action. Adolescents often face the identity crisis. They often struggle for individual identity, their own values and beliefs. These behavioral changes may sometimes end up with maladjustment.

In the meantime, adolescents start peer-grouping, creating friends group of similar interests and seems to live in their own world. Peer-group influences seem stronger on their attitude, value and behaviour than their own family. 'Puberty' plays the emotional roller-coaster role inside all these behavioral changes. Along with adolescents their parents also get frustrating while dealing with their swinging behaviors of flying high in one minute, and then turn upset in the next.

But with some positive intellectual developments, adolescence proof to be the most noticeable and interesting phase itself. Logical, creative and innovative ideas emerge in this period. Adolescents also develop their interest in world affair, politics and government. A genuine desire to help others, social work, arranging charity shows to help the poor are some of the noble causes that adolescents seems to be involved.

Whether its negative or positive behavioral developments an adolescent develop, it's a moral duty of adults to offer a helping hand to adolescents, which help them to overcome their maladjustment. Parents should always support and encourage their adolescent son or girl to discuss their feelings to reduce stress level. Moreover parents and adults of our society should encourage the positive attitudes of this young future generation. Because, bursting with energy, creativity, curiosity and vigor; these youngsters portray a huge potential to change the world in an astonishing way, making the world a better place to everyone.

In words of Nelson Mandela, "My dear young people: I see the light in your eyes, the energy in your bodies and the hope that is in your spirit. I know it is you, not I, who will make the future. It is you, not I, who will fix our wrongs and carry forward all that is right in the world.

BY Rashmi Barua

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